In 1982 the LIST Council’s predecessor released to the industry The Professional Glossary of Terms Relating to Cylinders, Keys and Master Keying. The Associated Locksmiths of America, Inc. was the first to publish and distribute it. The definitions and terminology in the glossary have since been adopted by most of the manufacturers, publications and associations as the locksmith and security industry standard and many manufacturers offer a printed version as part of their factory training. In 1991 The LIST Council was asked by ALOA and others to complete what would amount to a Dictionary for Locksmiths. The Professional Locksmith Dictionary is the fruit of that labor.
The LIST Council remains a volunteer organization composed of some of the brightest luminaries in the locksmith industry. As new terms enter the field, they are defined and reviewed for inclusion into the Professional Locksmith Dictionary. You will find the most up to date version on this web site.